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Here you can read comments from happy rehomings, and add your own!!! Good dogs

You can count on a healthy pup from Keeles'!!!! I have seen her dogs in the show ring. They win all the time. I love her dogs. They are all so nice. She does OFA health testing to insure healthy dogs that will live long functional lives. I have met the dogs in person and they are all sweet and meet the standard. You can always count on Keeles' for advice and education on the breed. B. Dodd

I was in Fallbrook this weekend and went to visit N & W & to see their puppy!  She is absolutely adorable!!  What a beautiful puppy!!  N & W are soooo happy with her.  I took some pictures but have yet to download them, once I do I'll send a few to you. 
Hi, Received the referral check with many thanks! R's puppy is darling, they are thrilled. Will keep new owners coming, hopefully. I appreciate having someone I trust to send them to.  Thanks again   M.
Hi, I am sending some more prospects for pups. I raised two litters of corgis in the past and people keep asking for my pups so am sending them on to you. I have seen S and F's pups and they are outstanding!! R and G are old friends and I think they will buy the little female she looks a great deal like my female who they are crazy about. I enjoy your emails.  M.
Hi! I really appreciate you taking the time to correspond.  Your Corgi's are beautiful! Thanks for the wealth of background information and photographs.  They were very helpful. Can I ask you a favor?  Would you be inclined to include us on your next Corgi litter list? We would like to stay in touch if okay with you.  PS - Is the household retired show Corgi(s) still available?  Happy Holidays to you and your family! Most sincerely, L.
Good evening!  L. gave me your email address so I hope you don't mind that I am emailing you. I just wanted to thank you for giving us the opportunity to have one of your corgi puppies. The puppy you have picked out for us is absolutely adorable. We are very excited to be getting a corgi. M.
Hi, Thanks for thinking of us and sending the pictures of your cute kids and corgi's.  So cute!!!!!   On Saturday, we took our corgi for bath at a local self service dog grooming store a few miles from our home.  He had a blast and was very mellow during the entire doggy cleaning process.  He did start to bark a lot at this large black poodle that was getting a hair cut from her owner while we were towel drying him off. (LOL).  We think he does not like poodles (LOL)...or perhaps she just had a silly curly hair do which did not appeal to him!The next day, we took him to the dog park and he really, really enjoyed playing with the other dogs. There were 3 other corgis at the park.  He received a lot of nice comments about his soft coat and friendly personality from the other Corgi owners.  Not to brag, but he really stood out from the other Corgis!   He is also a fast runner!  Wow, he is getting much bigger these days -  I'll have G. take some more pictures of him so that we can email them to you.  G. was hinting to me tonight that he needs a doggy playmate, so perhaps another Corgi could be a possibility!  He is such a joy and makes our day and evening.Take care and keep in touch! All the best, L
Hi. My boy is doing great!!!!  If I had any doubts about a boy dog being
affectionate,  there are none now. The cats are not too crazy about him, but they are getting used to him. He is a fast little guy and can turn on a dime. He has lots of toys to play with in the house and he sleeps in a crate next to my bed no accidents in his crate and no whinning--he is a great little guy. He has a vet appointment to be neutered, rabies shot and have a microchip id inserted. I'll send pics later. He is a real joy, thanks for letting me have him. M.
Thanks for all the updates on the corgis and how well your dogs are doing at the dog shows.  The corgi pups were cute!!! I love my corgi I got from you.  He is an absolute joy. You were right in that boy corgis were not like other boy dogs--he is really affectionate and where ever I'm in the house he is right there with me.  He gets along with my big dogs just fine and even my "fat" rot is playing with him.  Maybe she will lose some weight as they play chase. Here's wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and my you all be richly Blessed during the coming New Year. Thanks again for my Corgi!!!!! M
Hi! My corgi is 3 months & 1 week old now!  He is basically potty trained, can sit, give paw, roll over, and stay. I think he is lonely though.  Do you have any other males, or calm dogs that are already potty trained?   I'm thinking of a playmate for my boy, let me know what you have, thanks! M.
Hi!  The girl is doing great!  She's about 98% potty trained already as well.  I think she is the smartest pup I've ever had.  We just love her!!  Here's more pics of her for you.  These were taken this week.  R.
Hi! Well the girl is doing great!  She is SuperDog.  She is sleeping through the night, using her piddle pads, and running our home as the new official owner. :)  She went to the doc and had an A+ checkup. Anyway, she is doing fabulous.  I sent pics to M and she loved her. Hope your dog show was good this weekend! R and G
Hi, I enjoy getting your e-mails and think of you often because of the corgi that runs around our house. She is everything we could have hoped for and although we have had at least 7 other dogs as a part of our lives, she is the best. We have recommended your service several times, but I know in at least two of the cases the folks bought a dog other than a Corgi. We want to wish you a happy new year and the best of everything. J and B
Hi. We received your letter with the registration paper and the check towards the vet bill. Thank you for all the help and please don't send any more money. You have given over W. and myself expectations and truly appreciate this. We are so happy with our girl, we couldn't have got a better dog. She is a firecracker LOL. I love it but I need to make sure I train her right but not break her spirit. Thank you for all you help and concern. I'll keep you posted on her progress. Talk to you later J
Hi, Just to let you know that we decided on both the puppies! We even have a name for the second one. It was great being with you and seeing all the dogs and your menagerie of animals. Thank you for all your time. I am soooo thrilled to be raising two puppies now; I'm bursting at the seams! Well, not quite, but almost! Take care, and have a wonderful time in your travels, and I will too.
Hi, we named her Bailey. She is an awesome puppy and we just really love her!  She is so cute and smart.  Let us know when you have another litter.  I have 2 people that want one! Thank you!!! C.
Hi, Just wanted to let you know we returned home just fine. Puppies are doing quite well-very active little souls.They did sleep most of the night, but were up early chatting away in their crate. They play together so well, and are so funny going after the same toy. I'm so glad we have the two of them! We have an appointment for a physical with the vet this coming Wednesday 10/17. The pups are adjusting well to our backyard chasing each other and are having a great time! I'm taking loads of photos. Anyway, I'll keep in touch, so you have an ongoing itinerary of what's up with them. Thanks once again for your expertise! Plenty of hugs(and kisses from the puppies too!) J 
Hi,. F.Y.I.  my poodle thinks this(the corgi) is her Christmas present. They have played and played.  Thank you again for working with me and my quirks.  She is perfect.  I'll keep you posted. Thanks again M
Hi, Thank you so much for the photos of our pup's mama.  The family resemblance is very strong. We're not saying this just because she is ours but.... she is very intelligent, a little too smart for her own good.  Her herding instinct is unbelievable; and she showed that quality just a few days after getting her.  Our older corgi doesn't get a minute's rest in the yard, but does need the exercise to shed 3 or 4 pounds.  We think she is a great candidate for agility; and definitely is going to obedience classes.  We can see her evaluate every situation that is presented to her and how she is going to handle it. We need to keep reminding her that we are alpha, not her. As you can see from the photos she is not a big fan of leash training, but she's a smart girl and will come around. How old is her mama and what does she weigh?  Our pup is 15 pounds and we sure wish she could stay this size because it's so easy for W. and I to pick her up.  Plus she likes to lay on me when we watch TV at night.  What a sight that is...2 corgis and me sharing the couch. Thanks again for the heads-up, but most of all a big thank you for letting us buy one of your corgis.  We LOVE her!! Love, N, W, A & P.
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that our new little girl is doing well. The teething and potty training are somewhat straining, but she's too cute to get too upset with her. I'm torn between wanting her to stay so cute and little, and wanting her to hurry and grow up and be a dog, not a puppy. Thanx for bringing her to us, it was a pleasure doing business with professionals  who are also nice people. Hopefully, we can stay in touch. Thanx, B and P
Hi Everyone, Sending photos of our new addition. She was born on October 19th. Our other corgi seems happy to have the new companionship, and has been very tolerant of the puppy antics. It remains to be seen on how our chair legs feel about the new addition.We picked her up yesterday afternoon after an unplanned trip to "look at" some new puppies. So far, she has been a pretty good girl. Just wanted to let you see our new family member. Hope all is well. Love, N.
Hi, Attached are a few of the pics I took of N & W's puppy!  She is the CUTEST puppy and I'm kicking myself for not getting her myself.  N and W are totally in love with her and sing your praises to the sky!!  I'm so happy that this worked out for them and for you. Enjoy the pics, J
Thank you so much for everything.  My son called a little while ago with the news and is very happy.  I know he will do his best with the pup. You have beautiful dogs and it has been a pleasure dealing with you.   Thanks again. K
Well gosh, congrats on all that your dogs have done. Way to go! and thanks for the corgi write up. Cali is doing great in agility and really likes it. Thanks L
Congrats to you and your awesome dogs! Hopkins is proud of his family :) Thank you again for boarding him over the Holidays. He has been so good since we got home... No more nipping, and we're working on the "come" command. We no longer have to put him in his pen when we are gone. And he has been sleeping with us on the bed :) We're considering getting him a friend around the June/July time frame. Can you keep us posted on who is available?Thanks! A

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