’Noel’ Daedream the 1st Noel @ Keeles’
Noel's first 4 shows @ only 4 months of age, she took Best NL Puppy in MB Show 3 times!!!! Thank you to Lynn Martin,
Joyce Lea-Hanson and Avril Black for recognizing the superb breed type and lovely movement this puppy possesses. At Noel's
next set of shows over memorial day weekend, she took another best puppy and reserve best puppy!!! She took BOB
at her last 4 INT shows, and has now become an internation and a National Champion!!! She debued with AKC in Sept. '09 and
has won 2 BOB puppys and a RWB. Her most recent wins include 2 UKC Ch class wins over a large entry, earning her 2 legs
towards her GRCH title!